Equity and Inclusion
Programs and resources
The School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences is committed to fostering an inclusive and equitable environment for all. Here are some programs and resources SHASS and MIT offer in support of this mission.
Institute Community and Equity Office (ICEO)
The ICEO is MIT’s home for amplifying MIT’s sense of community, inspiring meaningful conversations, building skills, and supporting new inclusion initiatives. It offers dialogues, programs, initiatives, funding, and additional resources to the community.
Diversity Predoctoral Fellowships
This program supports graduate scholars with a 9-month appointment at MIT and an opportunity to finish their dissertations. The program supports scholars from a wide range of backgrounds who contribute to the diversity of SHASS and the higher education community.
Philosophy in an Inclusive Key Summer Institutes (PIKSI)
PIKSI-Boston is dedicated to encouraging students from groups underrepresented in philosophy to pursue advanced studies and continue professionally in the field. PIKSI is held annually at MIT and a collaboration between the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Massachusetts Boston, and Harvard University.
Diversity Post-Doc Program
This program is run by individual units on a rotating basis. It supports scholars from non-traditional educational backgrounds (including underserved rural or urban communities), and scholars who have demonstrated significant academic achievement by overcoming barriers such as economic, social, or educational disadvantage.
For more information, email shass-dei@mit.edu.