American Studies
Explore American Studies
American Studies gives you a chance to study American society and culture through its history, literature, art, politics, science, music, etc. by constructing interdisciplinary programs centered on your particular interests. This could include literature, folklore, and popular culture; black history and culture; women’s studies; history, politics, and law; the history of science and technology; or art, architecture, and music.
In this interdisciplinary field, you can earn a major, minor, or concentration.

Great Hall, Ellis Island, New York
Earning a major or minor
One aim of American Studies is to help you understand the underlying system of beliefs that informs every aspect of American culture—its myths, institutions, politics and literature, its characteristic dreams and rituals. Another is to understand the uses and limits of different methods and intellectual disciplines as tools for exploring the complexities of a culture. And a third, no less important, is to understand the American present in relation to the American past. To these you will add your own objectives.
Visit the Registrar’s page on the American Studies Interdisciplinary Major to learn about requirements and current subject offerings.
To declare or change your major, visit How to Apply.
Visit the Registrar’s page on the American Studies Interdisciplinary Minor to learn about requirements and current subject offerings.
To declare or change your minor, visit How to Apply.
Earning a concentration
A concentration in American Studies will prepare you for further work not only in the various humanistic fields but also in law, urban planning, management, architecture, engineering, medicine, teaching, and the media.
Additional resources
For more information, contact the major advisor, Megan Black. Alternately, contact the History Office or the SHASS academic administrator.