Latin American and Latino/a Studies
Explore Latin American and Latino/a Studies
These studies are designed for students interested in the language, history, politics, and culture of Latin America and of Hispanics living in the U.S.
In this interdisciplinary field, you can earn a major, minor, or concentration.

A mural on the wall of the Latino Cultural Center at MIT.
Earning a major or minor
Students are encouraged to develop a program that is both international and comparative in perspective and that takes into account the heterogeneous cultural experiences of people living in the vast territory loosely termed Latin America, as well as of those people living in the United States who identify themselves as Latino/a.
Subjects in Latin American and Latino/a Studies are also available from Harvard University and Wellesley College through cross-registration. Students must receive permission from their advisor prior to registering for a subject at another institution.
Visit the Registrar’s page on Latin American and Latino/a Studies to learn about major requirements and current subject offerings.
To declare or change your major, visit How to Apply.
Visit the Registrar’s page on Latin American and Latino/a Studies to learn about major requirements and current subject offerings.
To declare or change your major, visit How to Apply.
Earning a concentration
The Latin American and Latino/a Studies concentration is designed for students interested in the language, history, politics and culture of Latin America and of Hispanics living in the U.S.
Additional resources
For more information, contact the major advisor Professor Tanalís Padilla, or the SHASS academic administrator.