Middle Eastern Studies
Explore Middle Eastern Studies
Middle Eastern Studies offers students the opportunity to explore the connections among culture, society, politics, economics, technology, and environment in the Middle East, including North Africa.
In this interdisciplinary field, you can earn a minor or a concentration.

Blue Mosque, Sultanahmet
Earning a minor
MIT offers a number of subjects open to undergraduates which provide a variety of perspectives on the ancient, Islamic, and modern Middle East.
The goal of the HASS minor in Middle Eastern Studies is to lead the student from the basic language into survey subjects and then into more focused studies of individual countries or specific historical periods and to encourage analysis of the main methodological and conceptual issues in Middle Eastern Studies.
Visit the Registrar’s page on Middle Eastern Studies to learn about minor requirements and current subject offerings.
To declare or change your minor, visit How to Apply.
Earning a concentration
The Middle Eastern Studies concentration is designed for students interested principally in the art and architecture, culture, economics, history, and politics of the Arab world, Iran, Israel, and Turkey.
Additional resources
For more information, contact the History Office or the SHASS academic administrator.