Audrey Yip
Major in Chemical Engineering
Minor in Spanish

What’ve you enjoyed most about your area of study? Was there a particular discovery, new skill or way of thinking, or insight that you found especially valuable? Please share an example from your favorite class or experience.
I most enjoyed taking the Spanish I learned in class and putting it into practice. During my experiences with MISTI Chile, I took a trip to San Pedro de Atacama and participated in many local tours. Even though the tour guides all spoke wonderfully in English, they truly shined when sharing their stories and passions in Spanish. There is something very beautiful about being able to witness and understand someone genuinely ardent and proud to share their culture and experiences with you in their native language. I am grateful that studying Spanish has opened a whole new world of perspectives to me.
How does the knowledge from this field, or your interest in it, combine with your other major or minor studies at MIT?
Science and math are languages unto themselves. Through my Spanish classes, I can better communicate my knowledge to others while also learning from a greater variety of people. All languages bridge the gaps between peoples, and science, math, and Spanish are just three more tools I now have for sharing my perspective with others and listening to theirs.
An MIT education includes study in the scientific, technical, social science, arts, and humanities fields. How do you think that wide range of knowledge and perspectives will be valuable to you – for your career success and for your enjoyment of life?
In my opinion, cultural awareness can only be obtained by living in a country for an extended period. And even then, you’ve probably only brushed the surface of what it has to offer. My studies here have primed me to succeed in working independently, regardless of where I go, while also learning just as much from peers as my professors and seniors. Teamwork, persistence, and an open mind has served me well at MIT, and I am confident the skills I’ve developed here will continue to benefit me in my career and personal life too.
What are your plans for the future?
I plan to enter the industry first, perhaps for 1-2 years, before further considering working towards a higher degree. For now, I’m just excited about my summer trip to Japan!