Isabella Carlo
Major in Biology and Brain & Cognitive Science
Minor in Ancient and Medieval Studies

What’ve you enjoyed most about your area of study? Was there a particular discovery, new skill or way of thinking, or insight that you found especially valuable? Please share an example from your favorite class or experience.
One of the most enjoyable parts of studying Ancient and Medieval studies here at MIT has been that AMS allows me to really dive into a passion of mine and find a community of students like me in the process! My AMS classes have been some of the most fun and insightful that I’ve had the opportunity to take, and the small number of students in each course means that we are able to get to know each other well. One fond memory that comes to mind is the class discussions that we would have, across a variety of my courses- whether we were having a serious discussion about the definition of history in a seminar about Roman emperors, or whether we were jokingly comparing favorite characters from the Iliad.
How does the knowledge from this field, or your interest in it, combine with your other major or minor studies at MIT?
I intend to pursue medicine in the future. However, I feel strongly that no matter how good of a scientist one is, they will be incomplete as a physician without an understanding of the human condition as well. My AMS courses have helped me to develop the sort of critical thinking, empathy, global worldview, and historical understandings that will be invaluable to me in my future. I firmly believe that no education is complete without study of a humanities discipline, so I’m really grateful to have been able to study AMS here!
An MIT education includes study in the scientific, technical, social science, arts, and humanities fields. How do you think that wide range of knowledge and perspectives will be valuable to you – for your career success and for your enjoyment of life?
Studying AMS has helped me to strengthen many qualities which will be very useful to me for a future career in medicine- the ability to view things from others’ perspectives, compassion, the ability to carefully evaluate many factors contributing to a problem, communication skills, and more. However, I also feel that these qualities help me to become a better global citizen overall, outside of the context of my future career. Because of my AMS studies, I am able to connect more strongly to the world, find more personal fulfillment in my day-to-day life, and understand my place within all of the humans who have, do, and will share this earth with me. It’s an indispensable lesson that I will continue to carry with me.
What are your plans for the future?
I will be taking a gap year as I apply to medical school, so I will ultimately be pursuing further studies with the goal of becoming an MD. During my gap year, I will be working as a Molecular Biology Scientist in Cellular, Genomic, and Protein Sciences at Pfizer, Inc.