Ruiying Zheng
Major in Computer Science, Economics, and Data Science
Minor in Chinese concentrationand Business Analytics

What’ve you enjoyed most about your area of study? Was there a particular discovery, new skill or way of thinking, or insight that you found especially valuable? Please share an example from your favorite class or experience.
Economics has provided me with a foundational framework and unique way of thinking in which I view the world today. The most enjoyable part of studying economics is the people that I have met throughout the journey – from the professors to the peers, everyone has been so supportive. Despite being intimidated at first, I feel that the skills and discoveries that these classes such as 14.41 or 14.20 create have been invaluable.
How does the knowledge from this field, or your interest in it, combine with your other major or minor studies at MIT?
I studied computer science, economics, and data science and business analytics – economics complements data science and business extremely well. Much of business is supported by economic concepts, such as how firms price, compete, merge, and more. Data science and economics also work hand in hand, especially in fields like public policy and finance.
An MIT education includes study in the scientific, technical, social science, arts, and humanities fields. How do you think that wide range of knowledge and perspectives will be valuable to you – for your career success and for your enjoyment of life?
With a wide range of knowledge and perspectives, I will be able to connect with people on a broader level. MIT SHASS has taught me to view fields from an interdisciplinary lens, especially in considering the impact of my work. I’ve learned how to communicate ideas effectively and develop cool projects from leveraging skills all over the fields.
What are your plans for the future?
I’ll be coming back in the fall to do my MEng, and hopefully a career in data science afterwards!