Yijun Yang
Major in Chemical Engineering
Minor in French

What’ve you enjoyed most about your area of study? Was there a particular discovery, new skill or way of thinking, or insight that you found especially valuable? Please share an example from your favorite class or experience.
While studying French language and culture, I’ve most enjoyed learning about how people’s lifestyles and attitudes in France and francophone countries can be intriguingly different from my own experiences. My favorite experience was traveling to Paris on the JSF 2023 trip and exploring French food!
How does the knowledge from this field, or your interest in it, combine with your other major or minor studies at MIT?
Studying French has allowed me to pursue a MISTI France internship in research related to chemical engineering.
An MIT education includes study in the scientific, technical, social science, arts, and humanities fields. How do you think that wide range of knowledge and perspectives will be valuable to you – for your career success and for your enjoyment of life?
As an engineering student, studying the arts and humanities alongside my technical courses has helped balance my enjoyment of life. Having a well-rounded education keeps me curious about what’s happening in the world outside of my engineering work.
What are your plans for the future?
I’ll be working as an operations consultant – think chemical engineering consulting, but traveling around the US to provide on-site consulting for facilities.