School offers courses for new Minor in Energy Studies  

Multi-disciplinary approach to the policy, economics, science and technology of energy
MIT's new energy minor, launched in 2009, provides a multidisciplinary approach to understanding the policy, economics, science and technology of energy.  All MIT undergraduate students now have a new academic option available:  a minor in energy, which can be combined with any major subject. The new minor, unlike most energy concentrations available at other institutions, is inherently cross-disciplinary, encompassing all of MITs five schools. Courses from the School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences include: Environmental Policy and Economics; Energy Economics and Policy; and Energy, Environment, and Society.  


More about Energy Minor Courses | School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences


14.42   Environmental Policy and Economics (12 units)
14.44   Energy Economics and Policy (12 units)
STS.032   Energy, Environment, and Society (12 units)