Archaeology and Archaeological Science Concentration
About the concentration
Where did we come from and what did we do to get here? Archaeology is the study of humanity’s past, its cultures, its technological achievements, and its impact on the environment. Archaeology is the application of scientific techniques to interrogate our species’ story and to examine what it means to be human.
The goal of the Archaeology and Archaeological Science program is to develop an appreciation of cultural diversity, past and present. In this program, you will learn how different peoples around the globe developed unique solutions to environmental, technological, and social challenges. From our most distant ancestors 8 million years ago to the rise of global empires 500 years ago, explore topics ranging from human evolution, to the development of agriculture, to the rise of cities, to the origins of technologies such as writing and metallurgy.
Subject requirements
A concentration in Archaeology and Archaeological Science requires the completion of four courses.
Two of these subjects must include:
3.986 The Human Past: Introduction to Archaeology, CI-H, HASS-S
3.985J Archaeological Science [5.24J], HASS-S
Then choose two other HASS electives, from among those currently offered in this subject area:
3.094 Materials in Human Experience, HASS-S
3.982 The Ancient Andean World, HASS-S
3.983 Ancient Mesoamerican Civilization, HASS-S
3.987 Human Origins and Evolution, HASS-S
3.993 Archaeology of the Middle East, HASS-S
Credit from other archaeologically-relevant courses (for example, in History, Course 21H) may also be given towards the concentration with approval from the concentration Advisor.
Additional resources
For more information, contact the concentration advisor, professor Max Price. Alternately, contact the SHASS academic administrator for support.