
Bookshelf Archive 2009

Faculty books and productions from 2009.

Mostly Harmless Econometrics: An Empiricist's Companion

Joshua D. Angrist and Jörn-Steffen Pischke

Mostly Harmless Econometrics: An Empiricist's Companion
Princeton University Press, 2009

Joshua Angrist is Ford Professor of Economics.

Studies of Labor Market Intermediation

David Autor
Studies of Labor Market Intermediation
University of Chicago Press, 2009

David Autor is Professor of Economics.

In Time of War: Understanding American Public Opinion from World War II to Iraq

Adam J. Berinsky
In Time of War:
Understanding American Public Opinion from World War II to Iraq

The University of Chicago Press, 2009

Adam J. Berinsky is Associate Professor of Political Science.

Time and Ina Meyerhoff

Alan Brody
Time and Ina Meyerhoff
A bittersweet May-December romantic comedy for all ages.
Produced by the Theater Conspiracy, Fort Myers, Fla, 2009

Alan Brody is Professor of Theater Arts.

Housewives of Mannheim

Alan Brody

Housewives of Mannheim
A comic-drama set in the extended community of a Brooklyn tenement in 1944.
Produced by the New Jersey Repertory Theater, 2009

Alan Brody is Professor of Theater Arts.


Alex Byrne and Heather Logue
Editors, Disjunctivism
The MIT Press, 2009

Alex Byrne is Professor of Philosophy.

Anthropological Futures

Michael M.J. Fischer
Anthropological Futures
Duke University Press, 2009

Michael M.J. Fischer is Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities, and Professor of Anthropology and Science and Technology Studies.

Intimate Sensing in Simulation and Its Discontents.

Stefan Helmreich
Intimate Sensing in Simulation and Its Discontents. Sherry Turkle, ed. Pp. 129-150.
The MIT Press, 2009

Stefan Helmreich is Associate Professor of Anthropology.
Sherry Turkle is
Abby Rockefeller Mauzé Professor of the Social Studies of Science and Technology.

Alien Ocean: Anthropological Voyages in Microbial Seas

Stefan Helmreich

Alien Ocean: Anthropological Voyages in Microbial Seas
University of California Press, 2009

Stefan Helmreich is Associate Professor of Anthropology.

Willing, Wanting, Waiting

Richard Holton
Willing, Wanting, Waiting
Oxford University Press, 2009

Richard Holton is Professor of Philosophy.

Chiefs, Scribes, and Ethnographers: Kuna Culture from Inside and Out

James Howe
Chiefs, Scribes, and Ethnographers:
Kuna Culture from Inside and Out

University of Texas Press, 2009

James Howe is Professor of Anthropology.

Deregulation cover

Paul Joskow
Deregulation: Where Do We Go from Here?
AEI Press, 2009

Paul Joskow is Elizabeth and James Killian Professor of Economics and Management

Voting for Policy, Not Parties: How Voters Compensate for Power Sharing

Orit Kedar
Voting for Policy, Not Parties: 
How Voters Compensate for Power Sharing

Cambridge University Press, 2009

Orit Kedar is Associate Professor of Political Science.

Sexual Solipsism: Philosophical Essays on Pornography and Objectification

Rae Langton

Sexual Solipsism: Philosophical Essays on Pornography and Objectification
Oxford University Press, 2009

Rae Langton is Professor of Philosophy.

Science of Passionate Interests: The Economic Anthropology of Gabriel Tarde

Vincent Antonin Lépinay and Bruno Latour
Science of Passionate Interests:
The Economic Anthropology of Gabriel Tarde
Prickly Paradigm Press, 2009

Vincent Antonin Lépinay is Assistant Professor of Science, Technology, and Society

Racing the Beam: The Atari Video Computer System

Nick Montfort and Ian Bogost

Racing the Beam: The Atari Video Computer System
The MIT Press, 2009

Nick Montfort is Assistant Professor in Digital Media in the Program in Writing and Humanistic Studies.





Jane Wang considers the dragonfly CD cover

Elena Ruehr
Jane Wang considers the dragonfly
Albany Records, 2009

Philosophy of Love: A Partial Summing Up

Irving Singer
Philosophy of Love: A Partial Summing Up
The MIT Press, 2009

Irving Singer is Professor of Philosophy.

Meaning in Life: The Creation of Value

Irving Singer
Meaning in Life: The Creation of Value
The MIT Press, 2009

Irving Singer is Professor of Philosophy.

Meaning in Life: The Pursuit of Love

Irving Singer
Meaning in Life: The Pursuit of Love
The MIT Press, 2009

Irving Singer is Professor of Philosophy.

Meaning in Life: The Harmony of Nature and Spirit

Irving Singer
Meaning in Life: The Harmony of Nature and Spirit
The MIT Press, 2009

Irving Singer is Professor of Philosophy.

The Nature of Love: Plato to Luther

Irving Singer
The Nature of Love: Plato to Luther
The MIT Press, 2009

Irving Singer is Professor of Philosophy.



The Nature of Love: Courtly and Romantic

Irving Singer
The Nature of Love: Courtly and Romantic
The MIT Press, 2009

Irving Singer is Professor of Philosophy.

The Nature of Love: The Modern World

Irving Singer
The Nature of Love: The Modern World
The MIT Press, 2009

Irving Singer is Professor of Philosophy.

Explaining Institutional Change: Agency, Ambiguity, and Power

Kathleen Thelen and James Mahoney
Editors, Explaining Institutional Change:
Agency, Ambiguity, and Power

Cambridge University Press, 2009

Kathleen Thelen is Ford Professor of Political Science.

Households as Corporate Firms cover

Robert Townsend
Households as Corporate Firms
Cambridge University Press, 2009

Robert Townsend is Elizabeth and James Killian Professor of Economics.

Simulation and Its Discontents book cover

Sherry Turkle
Simulation and Its Discontents
With Additional Essays By William J. Clancy, Stefan Helmreich, Natasha Myers, and Yanni A. Loukissas
MIT Press, 2009

Sherry Turkle is Abby Rockefeller Mauzé Professor of the Social Studies of Science and Technology.